Texas Olive Oil Treats for an Intimate Valentine’s Date at Home

A romantic, intimate stay-at-home weekend can be just the thing you need after all the Super Bowl excitement. While it is Valentine’s Day today, what if you postponed the celebrations until Saturday so you and your significant other can enjoy an entire weekend of romance instead of just a few hours? We have a few ideas for a perfect Valentine’s weekend involving a few hearty servings of Texas olive oil, some mouthwatering dishes to be made by two, and a whole lotta love.
Cooking Romantic Treats with Texas Olive Oil
Valentine’s Day is about commitment. While a few hypotheses about the origin of the holiday exist, one, in particular, seems to be the real one. According to this story, Saint Valentine would perform marriages for young lovers in secret, even though this had been outlawed by Emperor Claudius II for his soldiers. Whether you are married or not, you can still show your commitment to your partner this Valentine’s Day. And nothing says commitment like planing for the future. In this case, you will be planning the menu for your next romantic date.
Together with your partner, go to your nearest farmers’ market, local produce shop, or orchard. Buy any fruits and vegetables that you both love and find the best way to preserve them until your next date; you could be making jam, jelly, preserves, or fermented foods such as kimchi or sauerkraut. Open the jars on your next anniversary or special occasion and savor your homemade products! Jams can be enjoyed on a slice of fresh bread or a pancake while having a picnic; your fermented foods only need a bit of olive oil on top before they can perfectly accompany any savory dish.
For Valentine’s Day dinner, keep things simple; you should be enjoying the process of cooking and each other’s company. Grab a couple of eggplants and halve them lengthways; drizzle with ½ cup of Texas olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven until they are golden brown and tender. In the meantime, cook your favorite toppings on the hob; maybe some onion and cherry tomatoes sauteed in olive oil or even some minced meat. Add the toppings to the eggplant halves and finish off with a bit of parmesan and balsamic vinegar for an explosion of taste. And don’t forget to sprinkle some love on top before serving!
Looking After Your (Sweet)Heart
You might think using Texas olive oil in your Valentine’s Day dishes is a detail you can overlook; or that you can use a substitute instead. However, we suggest you don’t. To spend many more happy years with your partner, you both need to stay healthy and that’s where the delicious golden liquid comes in. According to doctors, it can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and has beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. So look after each other and look after your hearts!
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