Some Super Bowl Sunday traditions are unique to every NFL fan; some you will find in every household and food is high up on that list. So let’s have a look at how (and why) you can add Texas olive oil to your Super Bowl snacks this year!
We have a few ideas for a perfect Valentine’s weekend involving a few hearty servings of olive oil, some mouthwatering dishes to be made by two, and a whole lotta love.
At the Texas Hill Country Olive Co., we reserve a special place in our hearts for winter soups. Here’s how you can enjoy your classic winter favorites with a healthy drizzle of Texas olive oil.
Food is a part of daily life; it is something to be celebrated. How you prepare your food and the ingredients you choose all shape the result. When shopping, we often stop and choose the best fresh vegetables and meats for our meals. Texas Olive oil is no different.
Olives produce some of the world's best pantry staples. From delicate and buttery Texas olive oil to the finest balsamic vinegar, this versatile fruit offers robust flavors and forms a foundation of gourmet notes for any meal. At the Texas Hill Country Olive Co., we believe that there is a perfectly paired balsamic vinegar for every olive oil.
Heart health doesn't go on vacation as soon as the holiday season kicks into full swing. But making heart-healthy choices doesn't mean you have to eat bland chicken and rice over the festive period; we believe that wholesome food made with Texas olive oil can be heart-safe and healthy no matter the occasion.
Thanksgiving is one of the best times of the year for family fun and food. Meals aren't too heavy with holiday comfort, yet they offer a sense of togetherness as no other meal does. At the Texas Hill Country Olive Co., we believe that good food starts with a drizzle of Texas olive oil.
Whether you’re chilling at home or hosting a large barbecue, summer is the time for refreshing snacks. Here are some summer snacks you can make quickly and with minimal ingredients. You can even use our spectacular Texas olive oil for some of these recipes. It’s a light, healthy ingredient, perfect for summer food.
Backyard barbecues usually serve up greasy burgers and oily fries. One way to have fun and eat clean this summer is to switch up your ingredients. We recommend one simple change: use Texas olive oil.
April 23rd is National Picnic Day. Picnics are fun ways to socialize, connect with nature, and eat really good food. Couples can spend romantic afternoons together on hillsides and sip wine. A group of friends can share lunchbox cakes at an orchard—we recommend Texas olive oil orchards.
The Bourbon Reserve Balsamic Vinegar is made in Garrison Brothers bourbon barrels. The flavored balsamic vinegar has a grape wine base, giving it a sweet flavor. Like Texas olive oil, flavored balsamic vinegar has multiple uses. It’s a versatile ingredient, perfect for all sorts of dishes and cuisines. It’s a smart staple to have around the house.